Cyprus Airways heeft gisteren al haar vluchten te staken nadat de Europese Commissie heeft besloten dat de luchtvaartmaatschappij 65 miljoen euro aan staatssteun moet terugbetalen. Daarmee komt er een einde aan de luchtvaartmaatschappij die in 1947 werd opgericht door British European Airways en de Cypriotische regering.

Ryanair toonde afgelopen zomer nog serieuze interesse in Cyprus Airways die sinds 2007 drie keer financieel werd geholpen door de Cypriotische regering, terwijl dat maar een keer in de tien jaar is toegestaan. Eind vorig jaar bestond de vloot van de airline nog uit zesAirbus A320-200’s en bezat de Cypriotische regering ongeveer 95% van de aandelen. De andere 5% waren in handen van British Airways.

Gistermiddag vertrok de laatste vlucht van Cyprus Airways vanaf Schiphol naar Larnaca. De airline heeft lange tijd vanaf Schiphol naar het zonnige eiland Cyprus gevlogen, waar eind vorig jaar nog het ANVR-Congres plaatsvond. Op de website van de airline is het volgende bericht nog te lezen, waar tevens informatie kan worden gevonden voor passagiers die een ticket hebben van de airline.


9 January 2015

Dear Passengers,

Following the adverse decision of the European Commission for Competition, issued today, on the application of the Republic of Cyprus of a Restructuring Plan for Cyprus Airways (Public) Ltd submitted in October 2013, the Board of Directors of Cyprus Airways has decided to initiate the procedure for voluntary liquidation and to that effect all necessary measures will be taken.

In the context of the above decision all operations of the company will be suspended as of the close of business today.

Cyprus Airways would like to warmly thank the millions of passengers who flew with the airline over the years, for their choice and support.  Special thanks are also expressed to the staff of the airline as well as its associates, whose professionalism and dedication were always at the service of the passengers.

We are extremely honoured to have made a valuable contribution, over the last 68 years, to the development of the economy of Cyprus and its tourism industry in particular. We have flown the flag of our country worldwide with pride.

The government of Cyprus announced that it has decided to offer alternative arrangements to all passengers who have Cyprus Airways tickets.  The cost of all alternative arrangements will be undertaken by the Republic.

The affected passengers of Cyprus Airways, who have arranged their travel with departure days up to and until 9/2/2015, can immediately contact the travel agency Top Kinisis Travel Public at the national telephone number 77787878, or if they are calling from overseas at the telephone number +357 22869999, in order to arrange for the issuance of a new flight ticket. For the remaining passengers, with departure date from 10/2/2015 and onwards, a new announcement will be made in the coming days.

Additional information will be given for the arrangements that are made and/or other useful information for the passengers, on the website of the travel agency


Thank you.