The ANVR, Utrecht University and TNO ( Integrated security) are organizing for Tuesday 8th of April an informative afternoon about cybersafety in the Cyberlab of TNO in The Hague.

The speakers Marcel Neomagus ( CFO Sundio Group NL ) , Frank Oostdam (director / chairman ANVR ) Louette Schwartz , Azra Keric (both Utrecht University ) , Jeroen Laarakkers ( Security Consultant Technical Sciences TNO ) and Prof. Wouter Stol (lecturer cyber safety NHL , Police Academy )will inform about the creation of cyber security on the web to reduce cybercrime.

The total number of participants is limited to 40 people. Those who would like to register have to contact the security that TNO set about the Dutch nationality. If there is a dual nationality then this should be reported . The registration can be done via Aanmeldingsformulier for the 2nd of April mentioning Cybersecurity . This afternoon will take place from 13:30 to 16:30.